Welcome to the Art Apparel Shop!

apparel art artist artysta lulu artystalulu bags cellphone cases clothing line community fashion hats love luisa padro modern news peace shirts sunglasses

In today's day and age, when the whole world seems plugged into mobile devices, we need to make an effort to truly reconnect. The way to do that is by having conversations with the people around us; and part of my mission as an artist is to help begin that conversation. 

I create these characters because it's the very humans and creatures around me which inspire me; the unique perfection which makes up each one of us has moved me to create a line that is just for you! Artysta LuLu is dedicated to sharing a message of ability, unity, community, love and art all rolled into fashion and expression. 

Stay tuned as new designs and items are constantly being created. 

Wun Luv - Luisa Padro-Bonano (Artysta LuLu CEO)

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